Deciding to go to college is a big brave step. If you are reading this, congratulations on considering enrolling. As with most important decisions, it is essential to look at how you'll overcome barriers that present themselves. This article will show you some common obstacles that may be on your mind and let you know how Rend Lake College can assist you along the way.
One of the first things upcoming college students mention as a stressor is how to pay for their education. The value of an associate degree can be tremendous. Studies have show that earning an associate adds $157 per week more than the median income from a high school diploma. Most people are surprised to learn of the following ways Rend Lake College assists with financial barriers:
Getting a college education requires a network of helpful people who support you through obstacles. Here are some of the ways the RLC family provides support to our students in need.
Some people feel that college is too big of a dream. Whether it is feeling unprepared, nervous about facing unknown obstacles, or committing time to a program, Rend Lake College has opportunities for students to catch up, stay on track, and use their time efficiently.
Whether it is money, support, or mindset — Rend Lake College has opportunities for you to begin your journey today.